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9 - November 15, 2021 9:03 pm

Name: Cawil Alsow Ali Location:
Comments: Hoeveel kos hierdie instansie?

Reply: Stars21 provides all service free without any log-in system for world languages including Afrikaans.

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10 - May 17, 2021 2:54 pm

Name: Akam Majed Location:
Comments: هل تقبل طلابًا جدد؟

Reply: is absolute free and anonymous site for translation of world languages including Arabic.

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11 - March 9, 2021 12:13 pm

Name: Nihal Kp Location:
Comments: Hi
I just want to know about u r website

Reply: Please refer to About Us.

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12 - October 4, 2018 8:24 pm

Name: Pradip Kumar Pandit Location:
Comments: Hello sir..... Good Morning...
I am from Nepal.
My mother tongue is Maithali so please include Mithilakshar( मिथिलाक्षर) in your converter. Here is link for Mithilakshar alphabet:

Reply: Maithili language translation is now available at Maithili translators.
Thank you.

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13 - December 18, 2017 5:30 pm

Name: Yubraj Chatri Location:
Comments: Nepali to Czech republic

Reply: Please try Nepali to Czech translator.

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14 - May 21, 2017 8:16 pm

Name: gajendra verma Location: nepal
Comments: nepali to malay?

Reply: Please try Nepali to Malay translator.

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15 - February 2, 2017 3:53 am

Name: Frank Location:
Comments: I would like to buy three books or journals that will translate to Vietnamese, Cambodian & Pakistan to English.

Reply: Hi,
We do not sell any products.
Stars21 is a anonymous site that can be used by any visitors without a log-in.

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16 - March 3, 2016 2:04 pm

Name: augusta Location: Lagos
Comments: l love this page. Can l use it offline?

Reply: These artificial intelligence translators are only available when you are connected online.

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17 - November 15, 2015 2:54 pm

Name: suresh Location:
Comments: this site is good and very helpful

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18 - August 31, 2015 9:02 am

Name: manoj rathwa Location:
Comments: I like your Translator Software programs. Can I download them to use them offline?

Reply: We are borrowing translation engines from Google, Microsoft and Baidu as their API services. Their translation programs are too big and complicated to be installed at personal computers.
Therefore, there is no way you can use them off-line. Instead, if you are connected on-line, you can use these high quality translators from all over the world.

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