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29 - September 19, 2011 12:52 am

Name: Ronald Rupp Location: Portland, OR
Comments: I just would like to say that this is the BEST translation program and that Iuse it all the time.

Thank You!
Ronald Rupp

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30 - May 26, 2011 7:44 am

Name: sunny Location: India
Comments: Iam fully happy this site... good job all the team work....
best one of thz...

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31 - December 15, 2010 2:48 pm

Name: sistah gail Location: philipines
Comments: =)

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32 - November 13, 2010 11:04 am

Name: jerry Location:
Comments: what happened to english pashto translation? It does not open the translation, did you discontinue that service? It was such a beautiful site, please fix it so it work again.

thank you

Reply: Please try to use one of the mirrors of our site. - server located in USA for USA and America. - server located in UK for Europe. - server located in Korea for Asia.

The mirrors will give you faster response. You may also use the mirrors when the website is temporarily unavailable.

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33 - November 11, 2010 5:35 am

Name: Tom Location:
Comments: Your site rocks!. Some nimrod working on my village website finished it in Latin for some reason unbeknownst to me. It just slowed me down for a bit. But you guys had my back covered

Reply: Thank you.
English to Latin translator.
Latin to English translator.

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34 - June 28, 2009 4:30 am

Name: Levine Location:
Comments: I have been interviewing a Japanese woman for a business class. Without your website the communication would have been impossible. Thank you!

Reply: Thank you.
English to Japanese translator.
Japanese to English translator.

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35 - March 6, 2009 10:52 am

Name: Thomas Ogembo Location: Stockholm Sweden
Comments: I have afriend living Ukraine and she only speak ukrainians not english. I want to continue comunicating with her using the translation from english to ukrainians in my email to her.

Reply: Thank you.
English to Ukrainian translator.
Ukrainian to English translator.

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36 - October 17, 2008 12:04 pm

Name: J L Mike Location:
Comments: for USA for Europe for Asia

Is there any mirror site for african?

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37 - October 12, 2008 11:15 pm

Name: Ben Minney Location: Cincinnati
Comments: Stars,
I'm really impressed with what you have. I'll work on Latin and what I hope for. Most of your games and education seems good. I'm glad you link to everyone. Can you put Biblical things on here? I love all of you with God's hands, and you're on track. Keep workin together.
God bless you,
Ben Minney

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38 - August 22, 2008 12:24 am

Name: waxford Location: mesa
Comments: i wish registerer myself to be one the member here for speacial consiment.

Reply: Up to now, Stars21 is free and anonymous site without any log-in system.

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